预答辩组 人员 |
姓名 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
林 忠 |
浙江理工大学外国语学院 |
组员 |
陶久胜 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
陈向红 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
余晓燕 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
黄 娟 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
记录 |
全佳颖 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
序号 |
论 文 题 目(英文) |
作者 |
指导教师 |
1 |
A Report on the E-C Translation ofFeminist Economic Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic |
诸醒婷 |
熊建国 |
2 |
Wealth Ethics and Body Writing inThe Merchant of Venice |
窦园媛 |
伍小玲 |
3 |
Hybrid Identities and the Reconstruction of Community inThe Last Giftfrom a Diasporic Perspective |
卢沭璆 |
李卓 |
4 |
“A Country Where Nobody is Well”: The Neurotic Narrative and its Culture Metaphors in W.H. Auden’sThe Orators |
杨瑶 |
蔡海燕 |
5 |
Revisiting John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men:Insights from New Historicism |
April Lohrmann |
余晓燕 |
6 |
A Study on the English Translation ofSantifrom the Perspective of Attitude System in Appraisal Theory |
黄欣慧 |
缪佳 |
7 |
A Study on the English Translation ofRed Poppiesfrom the Perspective of Translator’s Subjectivity |
吕珊 |
黎昌抱 |
8 |
The Dissemination Effect ofA Hero Born--A Study of Overseas Readers’Comments on Amazon |
王翔 |
缪佳 |
9 |
The Translation and Communication ofThe Wandering Earthin the English-speaking world |
宣姚洁 |
陈向红 |
10 |
A Study on the English Translation of Pa Chin’sThe Familyfrom the Perspective of Eco-translatology |
叶婉怡 |
黎昌抱 |
预答辩组 人员 |
姓名 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
徐莎莎 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
组员 |
余清萍 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
陈 珺 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
刘金路 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
胡图南 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
记录 |
董家惜 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
序号 |
论 文 题 目(英文) |
作者 |
指导 教师 |
1 |
A Discourse-Historical Approach to News Reports about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict inChina Daily and The New York Times |
程琳 |
熊建国 |
2 |
A Construction Grammar Study of the Chinese "hěn+yǒu+NP" Structure |
陈杨 |
杨小龙 |
3 |
A Study on the Lexical Complexity Development of Middle School Students’Written English |
季丽娟 |
余清萍 |
4 |
Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese and American News Reports on Japan’s Release of Radioactive Wastewater from Fukushima--A Case Study of China Daily and The New York Times |
林昱彤 |
熊建国 |
5 |
A Comparative Study on Cultural Contents in English Textbooks for Junior Middle Schools between China and Japanfrom the Perspective of Intercultural Communication---Go For It!andNew Horizon(2022) |
徐子盟 |
郝林晓 |
6 |
A Quantitative Comparative Study on the Syntactic Complexity of English Writing for EFL Across Language Famlies and Groups |
杨楠 |
刘金路 |
7 |
A Comparative Study of Chinese English Majors' and Non-English Majors' Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence--Taking Refusal Speech Act as an Example |
姚天齐 |
曹道根 |
8 |
A Cross-Genre Diachronic Study on the Impact of Sentence Length on Mean Dependency Distance Based on English Dependency Treebanks |
张森莉 |
刘金路 |
9 |
A Study on the Effects of Post-Reading Tasks Based on Involvement Load Hypothesis on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition of Vocational Students |
张烁 |
郝林晓 |
10 |
Non-finiteness of“NPdeVP”Construction in Chinese |
张越 |
曹道根 |
11 |
A Comparative Genre Analysis of English Argumentative and Literary Essays Written by Native English Speakers |
周婉婷 |
管玮 |
预答辩组 人员 |
姓名 |
工作单位 |
组长 |
毕雪飞 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
组员 |
刘学 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
宋翔 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
方小赟 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
董青 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
记录 |
陆一凡 |
浙江财经大学外国语学院 |
序号 |
论 文 题 目(日文) |
作者 |
指导 教师 |
1 |
「出来る」の形成及び史的変遷に関する一考察 |
廖禄发 |
刘学 |
2 |
東亜同文書院「浙江調査」の研究(1907-1916) ―『大旅行誌』と『省別全誌・浙江卷』を中心に― |
徐莹洁 |
宋翔 |
3 |
日本における大禹伝説の変遷と伝承 |
郑博宇 |
毕雪飞 |